Rock The World Rock My Balls......

Pop Shuvit... and fans
Pop Shuvit
Lo... without him, there'll be no RTW
Head bang with metal band, Insecure
Silent Scream, the rising rock Gods of Malaysia
John is shinning
Yes dude, you are THE man...
There was also this skinhead fella who was obviously high, shaking hands and hugging every person that walked past him. Then he took off his shirt...luckily it stopped there. I was amused by what I saw and forgot to take his picture, my bad :p
my poor mike mike
john is like jesus.... glowing giler
my neck is still
steph: so sorry that they have to be sacrificed for entertainment :p
niviak: how to go Lamb of God concert if they come to Malaysia? your neck sure patah, and your arms, legs, ribs...
wtf..whole post about Silent Scream only la..
eh..wanna go to Muse ah.?
but no money la..hahaha..
when is it? is it feb? can money from now on lor
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