Bucket Full Of Shit

A place for shits to call home

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Brokeback Mountain - Review

Honestly, if its not because of all the hype bout gay cowboys, i don't think i'll have even a single ounce of watching it. C'mon, which part of "brokeback mountain" sounds gay to you. Anyway staight to the point, its about a story of 2 cowboys falling in love during their time together herding sheeps. Just look at it as a normal romance movie, only difference is that the director could not find a leading female actress and thus substituting it with ANOTHER male actor. Same old same old, boy meet boy, boy attracted to boy, boy feels lonely, they kiss, they hump, the end. Add some relationship problems in the middle and you'll have an award NOMINATED(not winning) movie.

The only positive plus of this movie, is the contrast of homosexsual relationship in a male-dominated culture which really caught my attention. Oooo, and also Anne Hathaway boooooooooobiess.

The sucky part, the story really kinda draggy and boring towards the end. When both characters went back to their normal life, getting married(with a female....don't get any stupid ideas), having children, those sorta things. Heath Ledger mumbling his lines during the whole movie causes much confusion. Jake Gyllenhaal does not look a single bit like a redneck cowboy, he still have his boyish looks even with the fake side burns and makeup. And also some guy kiss/hump guy scene, i admit, i have a slight homo-phobia. But definitely no problem if both of them are hooooot chicks.

In conclusion, good movie if you are into soft gay porn/romance. If you are a big homo-phobic, you should, by all means, avoid this and rent WWE Royal Rumble instead, where a group of men hugging, groping and cupping each other as an excuse to fight.

My rating : 1 "big middle finger"/5.

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im still waiting for someone to shoot a film about 2 lesbian geisha falling in love. Whooo~ damn im getting horny already. At the mean time, im gonna indulge myself on some straight porn to cleanse myself of all this "gay-ness"


At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn..do u have to put that pic there.?

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Stephanie meiyu said...

*puke*if 2 gays falling in love and getting intimate aint guy,then what is?

At 9:23 PM, Blogger niviak said...

i understand..... it scared me very deeply too, thus i hafto share my burden wif the rest of the world


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