Capote - Da Review

see that guy above? that's the main actor for the film 'Capote' which recently won the 'Best Actor' award in the Academy Awards. it's him alright... looks kinda gay ain't it. well, he is gay. errr, i mean the character in the movie, not him, although he might be in real life. the film starts with Truman Capote, a famous writer, frolicking about with 'high class' people. he was telling this joke which was not funny at all, his voice almost made be leave a shoe mark on the cinema screen, his body language made me want to vomit (like those few times after i had too much Chivas). or did the film start with the scene of a brutal murder, one we call 'ham ka chan' in cantonese (direct translation - whole family die).
anyway... after reading about the murder, he decided to write a book about it. to do that, he visited the 2 murderers. he befriended one of them and eventually that 'beast' pour his heart out like a gay fella would do. he succeeded in finishing the book, the masterpiece. however, this was at the expense of both murderers. why? go watch the movie to find out... fast forward... in the end, he got fame and recognition but the murderers got the death sentence. sobs
this is a tale about love (Truman's relationship with his male partner), lies and deception. the director was able to channel the emotion in the film to the audience. the story was very well told. however, it was a bit draggy. 2 hours is just tooooo long. further more, the cinema had less than 15 people. i should have brought a chick and 'ahem' there instead of sitting next to 3 other guys. but it was a good movie, i enjoyed it. only downside was the sluggish storyline.oh, the gay-ness in this blog...
Rating - drank 4 cans of Pepsi out of 5
*but vomited 1/4 of it later*
haha, i think it should be a bucket full of gays. anyway, i promise not to write anything related to gay in my next post. well... maybe lesbian :)
hahaha..i'm fine with gay movies reviews..
better if u have lesbian's reviews..hahaha..
btw..keep it up on ur silent scream too..huhuhuh
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