Bucket Full Of Shit

A place for shits to call home

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh, Dear Wonderfull and Heavenly Blog

Oh, dear merciful and mighty blog,
Please accept our sincere bounty of offerings,
Forgive us for the negligence and irresponsibility
which had been bestowed onto you,
Oh, powerful and eminent blog,
Forgive us as we are young and naive,
We are your humble peasant on our knees
begging for forgiveness,

Bless us with more luck and prosper,
Bless us with more inspirations for more updates,
Bless +1 for his adventure in the land across the sea,
Bless narz for his JOB hunting in the Pearl of Orient,
Bless Mich for not MSN-ing during office hour,
Bless niviak for his innocence, purity and virtuousness.
also bless him with hot cars and fine women, or the other way around....which ever works for you

(to be continued.......)