How to know if your lecturer is an asshole....
The first thing one need is an exam. Exams usually shows whether you paid attention in class, whether you copied notes or whether you study 10 years or 10 minutes before the exam. But...... I just found another use for exam. That is to test if your lecturer has a brain smaller than Paris Hiltons boobs. Therefore... your lecturer is an asshole if:
1) He changes the exam time without informing the students and act like it was like this all the while. The stated time was 7:45p.m. till 9p.m. but he changed it to 8-8:45p.m.
2) His 'superior' brain didn't think of informing students on which venue to go to. It was plainly stated the 3 venues but he neglected to inform us that lecture group EC301 is here, EC302 is there and EC303 is around that corner. Then he shouted at us to go to our respective venue, but we FUCK IT.
3) The paper was supposed to be 70% MCQ, 30% subjective but to our utter disbelief, it came out as fill in the blank and short explanation. Needless to say, I fill it with nonsense.
If your lecturer did any of the above, he's a certified idiot with a Sirim chop. Let's see some related pictures :)

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