Kiasu Johoreans
i found this very interesting article on The Star today. apparently we have students who are attending primary and secondary schools in singapore. these poor students have to wake up as early as 4am just to get ready for school. that's about 3 hours before the fucking school starts!!!! they wake up at 4am while i sleep at 4am, neat huh.... apparently there are about 10000 young MALAYSIAN kids doing this. reason being?
“My parents send me to a Singapore school so that I can speak better English, as schools there use it as the medium of instruction.”
i just want to say "bravo!!!" to those who think so. i study in a MALAYSIAN SCHOOL, both primary and secondary. although i don't have excellent english, (dare i say) my command of the language is quite good. and i don't use Singlish la you know, u kiasu pieces of shit. i have a lot of friends educated in MALAYSIA and speaks GOOD english. it boils down on the way you, as a parent educate your children. if you want your kids to speak good english, speak to them in english (unless you're equally dumb as your 5 year old kid). make them read english story books or anything that interest them. last resort, send them for tuition.
"Her younger sisters attend primary school in Singapore while her parents work there as well; her father is a technician, and mother a clerk. "
oh my fucking god!!!! your bloody family is working and studying there. why don't you just apply for citizenship and get the hell out of malaysia. oh i know, the singaporean goverment probably rejected your application gazillion times because you are of no use to them. one's a technician, one's a clerk.... ada apa guna kepada kerajaan singapora? TIADA!!!
i really pity the poor kids, waking up at 6am for school everyday is a torture to me last time. 4am everyday? you might as well kill me. i don't blame the kids, the parents should not be so narrow minded. sure, they might have better english than your average Johoreans but think about the daily mental and physical torture your child have to endure every-fucking-single day. i guess living a stone throw's away from kiasu land really does make one a kiasu.

photo courtesy of The Star Online
well..we wouldnt know what hokkien lang thinks in johor..
anyway..long live KL.!!
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